Saturday, March 30, 2013

End of IHG/IHRG 2013

Hello residents of Hall 2!

We have come to the end of the IHG/IHRG season and we've emerged a respectable 5th placing. 

Together as a hall, we have fought hard for our honour and our pride, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank every single resident who has been out on the field battling it out or cheering their lungs out for us. What we witnessed this season was nothing but top notch sportsmanship and true grit. 

Regardless of the wins, losses or tears shed, we hope you will always remember the feeling of teamwork and togetherness you've shared this season. In another few years, you'll forget the shots, scores, tackles and goals - but you'll remember the team mates who stood by your side as you trained together each day.

We made it to 4th for sports this year, and we want to thank all our athletes who have put in the time and effort to commit to rigourous training in the days leading up to the matches. We saw you play every game as if it were your last, and we salute you for your fighting spirit.

Our rec players ranked 12th this year, and we would like to commend them for their mental agility and strength of spirit. The effort you guys put into training may not be obvious, but we know it takes a patient mind and a calm disposition to own the rec battle field.

Hall 2 Awesomes made it to 10th this year at the cheer competition. I'm sure every hall resident who was present at the competition could see how much blood, sweat and tears the team put in to execute such a flawless performance. Congratulations on having All Stunts Up, and though the results may not reflect how amazing you guys performed, you'll always be champions to Hall 2.

Our dance team Live Wire brought us to a resounding high at HOCC this week, clinching the 4th position overall. We've said it already and we'll say it again - you guys owned the dance floor with your slick moves and stunning concept. You deserve no less for your tireless efforts and practices. Hall 2 could not be more proud of our team - especially since many of you are new to dancing.

Last but not least, thank you supporters, for being present at every match and competition. IH season was a time where we came together to show our support for one another - and I hope we'll all remember this feeling of being united, and let it live through the rest of our time in Hall 2.

Hall 2
Striving in unity