27 Jan 2014, Monday
Sepak Takraw vs Hall 4
WON 2-1
WON 2-1
Today’s Sepak Takraw game
against Hall 4 got off to a great start with an exciting display of fancy
headers and nifty footwork from our players. However, despite scoring the first
few points and leading the game, our team of Arnold Wee, Christopher Gan and Parthiban Mathevananeventually
started trailing behind, leading to the disappointing first loss of the day.
Fortunately, Game 2 saw a
swift turn of events as our players proceeded to dominate the game. Despite
Hall 4’s best efforts, nothing could be done to stop our team’s solid performance.
After a few near misses, the trio of Wong Zi Hao Billy, Kenneth Gan and Fadli Amin went on to close out the game for the
Game 3 - the tiebreaker.
Hall 2 and 4 went neck to neck, with things growing increasingly heated by the
second; this being the decisive game. This nail biter of a game saw points
being scored by both teams one after the other, with the outcome still unclear.
With Hall 2 leading by only one point, things started to look up when our trio
of Blven Chan, Arun Vinoth and Satyajeet Akhilesh stepped up their efforts with a burst
of adrenaline, ultimately clinching the victory.
With this match won, Hall 2
has qualified for the final pool, giving them the much-sought after chance of
qualifying for the quarterfinals. We can definitely be rest assured that the
team will do us proud in future games.
Courtesy of Ying Ying Phua

Tennis vs Hall 8
LOSE 2-3
LOSE 2-3
Our tennis team today bowed
out at the quarterfinal stage with a hard-fought 2-3 loss to Hall 8.
With 3 IVP players in their
lineup, Hall 8 were the favourites from the very start. For our team to stand a
chance, we had to get the matchups right and play our very best; and we so
nearly did it.
In the men’s and ladies’
singles, Eugene Tang Wei Da and Michelle Neoboth gave
their all and put up a great fight, but their IVP opponents’ class told in the
end as they fell to defeats.
Sim Yuh Harn and Adelle Tang were up next in the ladies’ doubles.
Their opponents were an IVP tennis player and an IVP squash player, whose
tennis skills were noticeably questionable. Despite one of their opponents
being vastly superior, leading to some nervy moments in the game, they came
through in the end to record a win for Hall 2.
In the men’s doubles, Ong Zi Quan and Jian Ming Phua had a reasonably easier time, making
quick work of their opponents. The game was noticeable for some dubious
umpiring as well as Zi Quan’s outbursts of exasperation whenever he had to run
a bit more than expected.
Finally at 2-2, it was down
to the mixed doubles to decide which Hall would progress to the semis. Ruey Yi and Adeline Seah were more than a match for their
opponents, but, blame it on luck, blame it on form, the points just would not
fall for them, as they fell to their Hall 8 opponents.
In spite of their
disappointing defeat, our tennis team can take pride in their performances over
the past few weeks. In a sport where victory is largely decided by how many IVP
players you have in your lineup, our team has done exceedingly well to come so close
to a semi-final berth. We hope that they take pride from their performance to
come back even stronger next year.
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