20 Jan 2013, Monday
Sepak Takraw v Hall 7
LOSE 0-3
LOSE 0-3
Against the formidable
opponents of Hall 7, our Sepak Takraw boys fought hard and strong. Exemplified
by powerful headers by Parthiban and a valiant
dive from Arnold Wee in an attempt to save the ball, every
member on the team did not give up against the strong competition.
Unfortunately, they were unable to clinch the first game of the season.
However, the members kept their morale
high even as they played the last set having gloriously lost the first two.
Stay tuned as they fight their way through the next two rounds of the
preliminary stage and be rest assured that they will play their hardest for
every set of every game!
Courtesy of Melody Tai
Contract Bridge
v Hall 7 LostOur Contract Bridge players were unlucky to fall to Hall 7 in a close first game of the season but will leave no reservations in making a comeback in their next round.
v Hall 7 LostOur Contract Bridge players were unlucky to fall to Hall 7 in a close first game of the season but will leave no reservations in making a comeback in their next round.
21 Jan 2014, Tuesday
Contract Bridge
v Hall 10 WIN 15.23-4.77
v Hall 15 WIN 20-0
v Hall 15 WIN 20-0
Despite convincing wins
over Halls 10 & 15, our Contract Bridge team was unexpectedly knocked out
of the preliminaries today, after results elsewhere did not go in their favour.
Had Hall 7 won Hall 10 as expected,
then a quarter-final place for the team would have been secured, especially
after today's results. But an unexpected turn of events meant that
qualification would depend on the amount of victory points, which we lost out
on to Hall 10 by the narrowest of margins.
This defeat is especially
hard to take if you consider how the Contract Bridge team often practices not
just late into the night but early in the morning in the Rec Room.
Nevertheless, life often throws us unexpected hurdles when we least expect it;
all we can do is to get up and get on with it.
22 Jan 2014, Wednesday
Waterpolo v Hall 3
WIN 19-4
WIN 19-4
You know they say if you
fail, try and try again?
Well, our legendary talisman did not
fail us this time round. The SEA Games gold-medalist finally scored with his
head, as well as in our hearts, as Hall 2 decimated Hall 3 with an imperious
score of 19-4. Hall 3 may boast of a couple of IVP players but Hall 2 boasts of
12 unstoppable players, as well as our favourite (and only) SEA Games player, Toh Zhi Hong.
A special mention goes out
to The Darker Knight, Arun Vinoth. A
mean-looking beast on land, a behemoth under water, his shots were completely unstoppable
and the keeper from Hall 3 had to tape his fingers after the match.
No joke.
Without the support of Kenryu Wang, Ng Kah Leong, Jordan Ang, Alvin Kuek, Ray Lim Ng, Chua Hong Qian, Eugene Tang Wei Da, Yuan
Pin,Tong Xu Le, Francis The Shark and our very own waterpolo
mascot, Ong Zi Quan, dubbed 'Homer
Simpson', the scoreline would have been vastly different.
The Water Polo team would
like to extend our thanks to all the supporters for coming down despite a tiring
school schedule. Join us at our next match and watch us destroy our opponents.
No joke too.
Courtesy of Chua Yuan Pin
24 Jan 2013, Friday
Squash v Hall 1
LOSE 2-3
LOSE 2-3
Our squash team fell to a
highly unfortunate 2-3 loss to Hall 1 in this Loser Pool tie, bringing their
IHG season to a premature yet undeserving end.
Despite wins by "Harry
Potter" Yuzheng Peh and Jordan Low, an unlucky
matchup meant that SEA Games gold-medalist Toh Zhi Honghad the tough
task of facing Hall 1's strongest player. He may a beast in the pool, he's
certainly a pretty legit squash player, but this time it proved a bridge too
far. Both Angela Ng and Michelle Neo also fought hard in very close ties,
but luck just wasn't on their side.
On another day, with a more
advantageous matchup and slightly better luck, it could so easily have been a
win for Hall 2. In spite of this setback, I am sure the Squash team will
recover from this setback to come back next year and bring glory to the Hall
once again.
25 Jan 2014, Saturday
Road Relay
Our Road Relay team did us
proud today as they put in a superb effort to finish 4th overall at NIE.
With the weather cool and breezy
without being extremely sunny, it was as close as it could possibly get to
ideal running conditions in Singapore. However, as anyone who has taken the
Campus Loop would tell you, the terrain around NIE is anything but a stroll in
the park. Runners had to run out of the NIE triangle of buildings, make a loop
around NIE, before climbing the extremely steep upslope along Halls 3 & 16
to finish their 2.2km route inside NIE. This meant that proper race planning
and lactic acid endurance assumed a greater importance; anyone guilty of
starting off too quickly would find him or herself paying a painful price later
on this sadistic route.

Sports King and recent
birthday boy Emmanuel Chia showed no after-effects of any
overzealous birthday celebrations whatsoever, giving our Hall a good start
after starting off. The end result was dependent on the combined time of all 10
runners rather than the finishing positions, but a good start that placed Hall
2 in the lead chasing pack was important in giving us that slight psychological
edge that may have made the difference.
What definitely made the
difference though, was the persistence and perseverance our runners showed not
only today, but throughout all their training sessions, and today was simply
the culmination of all their effort.
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