By Poh Wei LunThere is no recreational game more mind-boggling than Boggle. On the fateful day of the competition, our team arrived at Hall 8 feeling as prepared as we could be. Despite training for a REALLY short amount of time, we were able to display flair and confidence and clinch key matches that would not spell ultimate defeat for us (aka last place).
Fawn Cher and John Tan, being newbies to the game and having received little to no practice, managed to put 1 player to shame respectively and claim a win for themselves. Impressive if I may add. Their seemingly lacklustre performance in the beginning was obviously a facade.
Naturally, Team God, Lee Sze Yong was able to send ALL his opponents whimpering in a corner as he thrashed them with an average spread of 100 points. The 2nd seed, Poh Wei Lun, went home bagging 2 games, just slightly missing his target of 3 games. Frustration set in when he lost by just 1 friggin point in one particular match. ):
It was a wonderful feat that mere hours ( in total) of practice could prevent the occurence of an in-your-face defeat. This can only show the potential that the team can reach when they challenge the boggle boards again next season. Despite an inglorious defeat this season, we shall aspire to emerge as the black horse of IHRG 2010.
By Ivan
Our Scrabble team this year consisted of mainly rookie freshmen as most seniors were unavailable. Our initial expectations were low because of the lack of experience and we were not told of the rich past of Hall 2 in the IHRG. However, with strong backing from seniors Wen Yuan, Song Teck and especially Sze Yong, we were able to really put up a strong fight against other teams. Every opponent team, including the favourites, did not have easy times as we won against two teams and never lost by more than one board. Speaking of the experience, both of us managers feel that everyone was very enthusiastic throughout the competition and did their best at each game, always looking forward to the next. We never stopped learning. We always held on to the chance of winning and each game was equally brain and nerve wrecking.
Although we failed to qualify for the semi-finals, the whole team never felt demoralised and we kept learning and enjoying the experience. With this in mind, Sze Yong and the both of us feel that we have a strong core team now and if retained, it is highly likely that the team can achieve much more in the next IHRG, including emerging as champions. We are already starting plans for training, including joining external competitions to bolster our experience and to scout for more talents. Overall, the experience at IHRG 09/10 was a really good one and we hope to experience it again.
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