Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011

Hello fellow residents of Hall 2,
This year, our hall would be planning our very first OCIP trip.
The committee, Hall 2 Hearts, would be looking to help the less fortunate in Laos this time round.
We are currently looking for enthusiastic and caring volunteers to join our team for the trip.
The trip is estimated to be 10 - 14 days long, and would take place during the end May to June period (after exams)
If you are interested in joining our team, do fill up the application form which you can find here & send the form to ryo_7sg@hotmail.com by Friday 28th Jan, 1730hrs. Shortlisted applicants will be notified by during the first week of Feb.
Thank you for your time!
H2H (Hall 2 Hearts) Committee
Dance Notice
Reminder that there is hall dance practice tomorrow (25 Jan) at Blk 9 Dance Room, 7pm! Note that all upcoming practice sessions are important as the competition date is not far away - 10 March!
Upcoming practice dates:
1) Monday, 24th Jan, 7-9pm
2) Friday, 28th Jan, 7-9pm
3) Sunday, 30th Jan, 7-9pm
4) Monday, 31st Jan, 7-9pm
VENUE: Blk 9 Dance Room
And to end off, here's last year Hall 2 HOCC video, take a look at it yah to get an idea of what the competition is like=)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Party Time!
Hall Two DnD 10/11 & Hall Productions 10/11 Proudly Presents
Hall 2 "Back to School" Party
Details are as follow:
Date: 21st January 2011, Friday
Venue: Hall 2 Fustal Court
Time: 6:00pm till late
Ticket Price: $8
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Weekend Games
The badminton team doubled the joy by bringing h0me a 3 -2 win against Hall 15 over the weekend.
On Friday, the basketball match had to be postponed due to a bout of heavy rain.
Our Hockey boys fought a tough battle against Hall 6 after the earlier downpour soaked the pitch. (Quick recap: lost to Hall 6 previous Friday 1 -0). Our boys put in their best effort trying to revenge the last defeat, but sadly it wasn't to be our day and we lost to them yet again, to a score of 2 - 0.
Yet another game has been postponed till further notice, Soccer. Do check back for updates soon!
Meanwhile, players and supporters alike, do rest well and prepare yourselves for the matches ahead! We need all players and supporters fit & well as we fight/cheer on together, for the glory of Hall 2! HALL 2 FTW!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
12/13 Jan

In today's news (13 Jan), our Takraw boys fought hard against Hall 6, but sadly, we lost to them 2 - 1.
Indoors, our table tennis team played against Hall 3, a tough opponent with 3 IVP players. Unfortunately, we only managed to secured only 1 of 5 games played. A 3rd and final match will be played against Hall 15 to fight for a place in the quarter finals.
Our Weiqi team had an unfortunate day too, bumping into tough opponents. Today is the 2nd and final day of the Weiqi games, and we only managed to secure a place in the quarters. Great job to the team for doing better than previously!

Great job to everybody so far! Hall 2 FTW!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
IHG Round-up

Hi everybody!
Firstly, apologies for the delay in posting! Here's to share with you a round-up of Hall 2's performance in the IHG after a week. To say the least, our players have been doing us proud so far!
Some highlights:
For the sports side, our waterpolo boys and netball girls brought us to a rousing start despite the rain, winning in both games.
In rec games, our chinese chess team did us proud by landing us a place in the semi-finals! Congrats to our rec team for breaking the perfect 10 with an early start!
Here's how we fared so far:
Waterpolo vs. Hall 9 Win 8 -2
Netball vs. Hall 4 Win 33 -7
Hockey (M) vs. Hall 1 Win 1-0 (penalty)
Hockey (M) vs. Hall 6 Lost 1-0
Hockey (M) vs. Hall 15 Win 1-0
Hockey (F) vs. Hall 7 Lost 1-0
Hockey (F) vs. Hall 1 Win 1-0
Hockey (F) vs. Hall 4 Lost 2-1 (penalty)
Table Tennis vs. Hall 8 Win 4-1
Basketball (M) vs. Hall 7 Win 58-58
Basketball (F) vs. Hall 10 Win 42-25
Softball (M) vs. Hall 14 Win 6-3
Softball (M) vs. Hall 9 Lost 10-3
Softball (F) vs. Hall 5 Win 5-2
Softball (F) vs. Hall 11 Lost 8-0
Badminton vs. Hall 12 Win 4-1
Volleyball (M) vs. Hall 4 Win 2-0
Chinese Chess --- Semi-Finalists
Carrom --- Prelims
Darts --- Prelims
Big THANKS! to hardcore hall 2 supports who have been down to the various games to cheer on our winners! Its only the start of the IHG and we have a long way to go, so to everybody, keep up the awesome job in whatever you maybe doing - be it playing, supporting, taking photos or helping out in any way, and take care of yourselves! Hall 2 FTW!!
*Join our FB group "Hall of Residence 2" for more photos and latest updates!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
For the Glory of Hall 2!
Post celebrations, the time of the year is here again - Inter-Hall (Rec) Games season. Attached below is the schedule for games to be play in January and their venues. It would be most awesome if everyone goes down to support our players! So check out the venues, mark your calendars, and get ready to cheer our Hall 2 winners to victory!
Here's wishing all players the best of luck for your matches - may all your hard work pay off!
** IHG (updated!)